michael c.

My friend found out I voted for Biden and he became extremely hostile. I’ve known him ever since I was 14. He taught me how to play guitar. He knows how much of a friend I have been over the years. When he found out who I voted for, he used snide comments and memes to harass me and it got worse once his boy, Trump, lost the election.

A switch had flipped. I was no longer someone he once considered close friend and family. I was the enemy. I was a spy working for the left to do surveillance on him. I was for the vaccine and so that made me the devil incarnate in his eyes, even though I am a Christian. I was the epitome of everything wrong in this country because he did his “research” on YouTube and Tucker Carlson told him to hate me. It was to the point where I absolutely had to tell him to stop harassing and bullying me. But, that make me a “soft snowflake” and brought on more nonsense.

I had to remove him from every facet of my life. I was so close to putting my hands on him. That’s how bad it got. I am actually thankful for the peace and quiet nowadays, but it still kinda hurts that it had come to that. I miss my friend …

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