heather h.

I had to make a lot of profound changes over this last year, but my two biggest and most important were regarding anti-racism and our democracy.

I have always spoke out against racism and embraced all people regardless of skin color. I grew up in a White upper middle class neighborhood and only one Black family moved in but were tormented by racists into leaving after only 6 months. I was in 4th grade, 1979, and their daughter was my closest friend. I remember her wearing this green winter coat and it was warm outside. Her name was Beverly and I think of her once in a while and wonder what she may have been hiding.

One of my best friends is Black and I didn’t realize that just saying I’m not racist isn’t enough. I became very intentional about voicing my beliefs, created a video dedicated to her, and followed peaceful marchers in our city by car as I couldn’t walk with them. I know this wasn’t much but I’m working on becoming more mindful.

The second most profound change was actively playing a part in saving our democracy by phone banking for the election. It was so exhilarating and felt so meaningful to help fight to get our country back — we grabbed democracy as it was circling the drain.

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